Secretary of State isn’t an entry-level job.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

The office of Secretary of State is too important for on-the-job training.

Maggie has made New Mexico a national leader in secure, accurate, accessible elections. She has over 16 years of experience with elections on the local, state, and national level.

That means she has 16 more years of experience than her Republican opponent.

Our state elections are too important to be left in the hands of someone who has no experience and routinely gets her information from non-verified sources. Help Maggie win in November and make sure our elections are run by someone who knows what she’s doing. Chip in $10 or more today →

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But elections are expensive, and we must have the resources to reach voters all across the state.

Make a $5 donation immediately to ensure we can spread our message all across New Mexico!

This November, make sure experience triumphs over conspiracy theories.


Team MTO

Contributions or gifts to Friends of Maggie are not tax deductible.

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