I hope you'll take the time to read this important note...

Dan McCready for Congress

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To: John
From: Colleen Martin, Campaign Manager
Re: NC-09 Polling Update
Action: Donate for the first time here

A new poll was just released showing that our race is currently tied. With Election Day just 46 days away, we wanted to make sure you saw the toplines of this poll.

Below is an exclusive memo about what this poll means for our campaign and how you can help us get across the finish line in these final weeks. I hope you’ll take the time to read this important note and then make a donation to make sure we have the resources we need to compete.


The poll shows that Dan McCready and Dan Bishop are both at 46% with 8% of voters still undecided.

Dan McCready is tied with his GOP opponent at 46%

Just like last year, this race is going to be close. We knew from the start that, despite our opponent’s massive election fraud scheme last year, we’d have a tough fight on our hands. But right now, the momentum is on our side. Dan has consolidated support among Democrats and leads among Independent voters.

Dan’s Favorability

The fact is, this is a very red district, and it’s an uphill climb for a Democrat. Dan’s message of putting country over party, as he did leading a platoon in Iraq and building a solar energy business, is resonating. This is reflected in the poll’s findings on Dan’s favorability rating. Dan has a +18% favorability rating — three times higher than our opponent.

A Winning Message

Healthcare is still the most important issue to voters in the 9th District, and our opponent’s record on healthcare is terrible.

He wants to overturn the Affordable Care Act, and he voted to remove coverage for North Carolinians with pre-existing conditions. Not only that, but he was also the only legislator to vote against a bipartisan bill to lower prescription drug costs.


We are going to keep spreading Dan’s positive message. We’ll make sure everyone knows that Dan will put the people first while our opponent stands with special interests like Big Pharma. If we do that, then we can win this race.

That’s clear, but Dan cannot do it alone. He needs our grassroots team behind him every step of the way.

Make a $3 donation to our campaign right now. Your support will go a long way in helping us flip this district. I would not ask if it was not important.

Thank you in advance for stepping up to help. Your support means the world to Dan.

Let’s bring this thing home,

Colleen Martin
Campaign Manager


This brand new poll showing our race is tied means special interests are going to spend even more against us. We need your help to fight back, which is why I’m asking: Will you make a $3 donation to make sure we can win this race and flip this district in 46 days?


Paid for by McCready for Congress

Dan McCready is a former member of the United States Marines. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Marines or the Department of Defense. This email was sent to [email protected]. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe. We try to send only the most important information and opportunities to participate via email. To support Dan McCready with a contribution, click here.