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We want to make sure you saw this message from Jamie’s Campaign Manager.

To stay on track for our Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline at the end of the month, we need to meet weekly grassroots goals. Otherwise, we risk outside interests seeing an opportunity to turn this district red and doubling down on their attacks.

We know our army of grassroots supporters is up to the challenge. Can you contribute $10 or any amount towards this week’s goal of 1,000 online contributions?
Begin forwarded message:

Hi there!

As Jamie’s Campaign Manager, I want to give you a heads up about the next few weeks. The final public Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing deadline of the election is coming up at the end of the month.

These will be the last fundraising totals we publish before voters begin casting their ballots. As one of the tightest House races in the country, all eyes will be on Jamie to see if her grassroots network is still standing strong with her.

With that in mind, we’ve set a weekly goal of 1,000 online contributions to stay on track. Will you pitch in $10 or any amount to help us reach this week’s goal?
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.

National pundits and special interest groups are already eyeing Jamie’s campaign. They know that, as Dan Pfeiffer of Pod Save America put it, “There is no math where the Democrats lose this race and keep the majority.”

If we show any sign of weakness on our FEC report at the end of the month, outside money groups will double down and flood our race with more money to prop up Jamie’s MAGA opponent.

We can’t let that happen. Click here to contribute any amount toward our weekly goal so we stay on track!

We’re a people-centered campaign, and we can’t win without you.

– Joel (Campaign Manager)


Jamie McLeod-Skinner is a Democrat running for Congress in Oregon's 5th District. She's a small business owner and emergency response coordinator who is committed to addressing the climate crisis, supporting working families, and protecting our democracy. Join our campaign with a donation today.

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Paid for by Jamie For Oregon

Jamie for Oregon
1327 SE Tacoma St. #247
Portland, OR 97202
United States