#WhensTheDebate ?

A Call for Debate in Houston’s 18th Congressional District

The Race is Officially on!

To all of our supporters and everyone who honors democracy: This is it.

As we head into 2020 with major history making decisions waiting for us, this is where we begin our BIG PUSH. In a democracy, there must be a debate. We have to make space for ideas, visions, passion, accountability, transparency, and most of all, there must be a confrontation of all of these elements.

I am committed to honor our democracy and I ask you to join our call for debates. We are here to set the standard for campaigning in Houston and this is the next and most crucial step.

As we reach out to our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and other community members, let's all agree on this: In order to serve the people, we must be present to defend our views, decisions, actions and inactions.

The time is now. Join us in asking:
#WhensTheDebate ?

Stevens Orozco,
District 18 Congressional Candidate

Upcoming Event

Orozco2020 PushForward Fundraiser

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