Friends and fellow patriots,

I don’t like being lied about. Yes, I know, it comes with the territory in politics. And as a result, most politicians ignore the lies and rumors, in the hopes they will go away on their own. It’s part of the game, so I’m told.

Well, as you know, I don’t accept that. I want our politics to be better. I think we should demand honesty and integrity and decency. And so I have made a habit of debunking the lies of the left, AND the lies of the right.

As you can imagine, that makes some people very, very angry. Sensational lies and rumors, especially about your own side, get clicks and engagement. The people spreading those lies make money off of this game, and the last thing they want is for someone like me to fight back.

But that’s exactly what I do. At the end of this email you will see an excellent tweet thread from a supporter of mine who was sick of the lies and thoroughly debunked every crazy rumor that has been spread about me by our own side. But I first want to explain to you why I think it is so important to share this set of facts in the first place. I want to explain the nature of the people who spread them, and who they really are.  

I call them the Woke Right. 

These are people who wear the red jersey and say the right things, but in reality are not tethered to conservative principles. They want you to believe that “right-wing” and “conservative” are the same thing, but they are not. They know nothing about conservative philosophy and do nothing to further the conservative cause. Persuading those who disagree with us is not their goal; gaining your attention for clicks is. They have never read a book by Thomas Sowell or Ben Shapiro or Russell Kirk. They don’t know who William F. Buckley was, and in fact they are closer to Bernie Bros than Buckley.

They gain attention by screaming “RINO!” at the top of their lungs, a word that has been rendered meaningless at this point, a sloppy epithet designed to bypass serious discussion or debate. They would attack and smear Ronald Reagan if he were alive today, and would certainly not have supported his hard stand against the Soviets. 

Their North Star isn’t conservatism or western principles, but rather rank contrarianism, driven by hatred of whatever they view as mainstream conservative thought. They are self-labeled “outsiders” even though they have usually spent their entire career in political media or trying to break through on political twitter. The Woke Right has become a refugee camp for disaffected Q Anon conspiracy theorists who believe 9/11 was an inside job, and Alt-Right provocateurs who despise our support for Israel and label anyone who disagrees a “globalist!”. 

They differ from the far left only in the color of the jersey they wear. The list of similarities is staggering: 

  • Both the far left and Woke Right want to tear down republican institutions if it means the smallest win for their side.
  • Resentment is their primary motivator, and they are quick to feign victimhood over the smallest offense if it means more money in their pockets or more clout online.
  • They believe all American foreign policy is a net negative for us and the world, and as a result they also despise the veterans who fought for our country. 
  • Both believe in total government takeover of tech and institutions if it suits their short term goals, but are quick to call for the defunding of law enforcement in the same breath.
  • They are *obsessed* with petty tribalism, as if politics were not about ideological differences (it should be) but rather superficial high school cliques with ever-changing loyalty tests and idiosyncratic rituals and slogans. 
  • Winning is not their goal. Winning means the responsibility of governing and problem solving, which is the last thing they want. They thrive off conflict, not solutions. 
  • And both are driven by hatred, not inspiration nor higher ideals. 

You may not have noticed these tactics or attributes before. Most good conservatives haven’t, instead assuming that the influencers or politicians or media personalities they follow are all on the same team. You may be scratching your head, wondering who I am talking about specifically. I won’t name names here (because thats exactly what many of them want. The attention), but instead hope that you will now have the tools to identify this type of so-called conservative and call them out as the Woke Right they really are. 

I’m one of the few (maybe only) politicians that fights this toxic infiltration of our party, which has focused its fire on me for that very reason: I fight back. I do that because you support me and I feel it is my responsibility to lead our conservative movement back to the Reagan Revolution that inspired a generation and defeated communism. 

I believe I need to give you the ammunition you need to do the same. We are all sick of the shameless and blatant lies, and many of you have asked me where they can find the truth so that you can help me push back. 

That is why one of my supporters felt the need to put the below fact thread together. Please have a read and share it far and wide, and please continue to support my mission if you are able to. As I’ve said in the past, when you donate to my campaign your money does not sit and collect dust. Your money is put to immediate use growing our conservative movement so we can win and provide a better future for our country based on the principles of our Founding. 

You can support my campaign by mailing a donation to Crenshaw for Congress, P.O. Box 430965, Houston, TX 77243 or donating online here:
Thank you for your continued support. 

God bless you and God bless America. 

In Service, 
Dan Crenshaw
Paid for by Dan Crenshaw for Congress