Hi John,


In another sign our campaign is gaining momentum, Jeanne just reached her goal of 4,000 Twitter followers!

Our campaign also launched a massive online ads buy this week, but in order to keep the ads running we need your financial support now more than ever. We need to raise $5,000 ASAP. John, Will you make a donation today in any amount to keep our online ads going? Every dollar raised from this email will be pumped into our online ads buy.

Thank you,


Team Hendricks 2022




DFL endorsed and Democratic nominee for U.S. Congress Jeanne Hendricks is a nurse anesthetist, mom and community activist who makes decisions every day based on facts and science. She has spent the last 28 years raising a family and providing health care as a nurse anesthetist to Minnesota’s senior citizens, workers, Black, Brown and Indigenous people, women and children. Her parents, Joyce and Lloyd, instilled in Jeanne a strong work ethic, the importance of participation in church and school activities, service to community and being kind, and truthful to family and friends. The Jeanne Hendricks for U.S. Congress campaign is dedicated to supporting Democratic nominee Jeanne Hendricks for United States Congress in Minnesota's 6th District, and our work relies on grassroots supporters like you. If you would like to make a donation to support our campaign to elect Jeanne Hendricks, please click here to donate.

56 South 33rd Avenue #138, Saint Cloud, MN 56301

All content © 2022 Jeanne Hendricks for Congress | All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Jeanne Hendricks for Congress are not tax deductible.

If you would like the most up-to-date information, follow Jeanne on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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