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Hi friend,

While in the middle of a huge debt crisis, the Zambian government is negotiating with BlackRock and other lenders to get some of its huge amount of unjust debt written off. 

In solidarity with Zambian campaigners, let's put pressure on BlackRock to cancel the debt. 

On 21 September, we are mobilising people to bombard BlackRock with phone calls throughout the day, to make sure BlackRock hear us loud and clear.

Sign up now to take part and we will send you instructions on how to make the phone call, and what to say.

Join the BlackRock day of action!

We will also be hosting two short zoom calls on 21 September to brief supporters on the issue and offer tips on how to make the phone call. These zoom calls will only take around 15 minutes and be scheduled at 8:45am and 1pm.

Would you like to take part in the day of action against BlackRock?

Yes, I would like to take part in the day of action

BlackRock is one of Zambia’s biggest lenders. During the pandemic they refused the request to suspend debt repayments, alongside other big global banks. Sky high interest rates mean that Zambians are due to pay back double what was initially borrowed. BlackRock stand to make massive profits if they are paid back in full. That’s why we need people power to make sure they cancel the debt.  

I hope you will join us to ensure that BlackRock gets the message! 

Best wishes


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