From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Hiring Hall: Walters workers sue museum
Date September 14, 2022 9:48 AM
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Walters workers sue museum

DC Labor to Labor launches this Saturday

Today's Labor History

Today's Labor Quote: Barbara Ehrenreich

Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!!

TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for complete and latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

Wednesdays with Warner for the PRO Act: Wed, September 14, 8:15am - 9:15am

Windmill Hill Park, 500 South Lee St, Alexandria ([link removed] map)

Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, September 15, 1pm - 2pm

WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online.
Guests: American Prospect editor Harold Meyerson on support for unions among the young; EPI's Margaret Poydock on Biden's first 18 months.

Baltimore Labor Council meeting: Thu, September 15, 7pm - 9pm

Email for call-in details: mailto:[email protected] [email protected]

[link removed] NoVA Labor monthly meeting: Thu, September 15, 7pm - 9pm

Agenda includes a discussion with Fairfax County Board Chair Jeff McKay; introduction to the Maine Lobstering Union (IAM Local 207); spotlight on The News Guild's organizing program that includes the Roanoke Times, Charlottesville Daily Progress, and Richmond Times Dispatch as well as other media outlets; House of Delegates candidate Adele McClure; candidate for Manassas City Council Sonia Vasquez Luna; and more. All friends of labor are welcome!

DC Labor to Labor Canvass: Sat, September 24, 8am - 2pm
Wards 5 & 6; Ward 5 location: Stagehands' Union - IATSE 22, 1810 Hamlin St NE, WDC20018; Ward 6 location: Washington Teachers Union Local 6, 1239 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, WDC 20003. [link removed] Info/sign-up here.

NoVA Labor Walks: Sat, September 24, 9am - 1pm

4536 John Marr Dr, Annandale, VA 22003 ([link removed] map)
Contact mailto:[email protected] [email protected] for more information. 727-871-4158.

Maryland Labor to Labor Walks (3 locations): Sat, September 24, 9:30am - 2:00pm

[link removed] Info/RSVP here.

On The Air: Missed last week's Your Rights At Work radio show? Listen here: Wade Rathke, Chief Organizer for ACORN on how "[link removed] Essential workers are taking action." and organizing.


On The Air: Missed last week's Your Rights At Work radio show? Listen here: Wade Rathke, Chief Organizer for ACORN on how "[link removed] Essential workers are taking action." and organizing.

Walters workers sue museum

Walters Workers United on Monday filed a lawsuit against the Walters Art Museum for refusing to comply with the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA). "In May, we submitted a public information request for documents related to communications about our unionization, among other things," tweeted Walters Workers United. "The Walters refused to comply, claiming they are a private institution and are therefore not subject to the MPIA." WWU, which is organizing with AFSCME, says the Walters "is a public institution and their refusal to respond to our public records request was unlawful. One of our major goals as a union is to build a more accountable and transparent institution for our community. Our public information request was an opportunity for the Walters to live up to those values. And unfortunately, they have failed."

DC Labor to Labor launches this Saturday

The Metro Washington Labor Council's 2022 General Election Labor to Labor Program for DC launches this Saturday, September 17 at 9a. "This weekend we will be launching out of Wards 5 and 6," says MWC Political and Legislative Director Déjah Désirée Williams. "Thanks to IATSE 22 and WTU Local 6 for hosting!" Ward 5 location: Stagehands' Union - IATSE 22, 1810 Hamlin St NE, WDC 20018; Ward 6 location: Washington Teachers Union Local 6, 1239 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, WDC 20003.[link removed] Click here to RSVP. "I am still looking for Ward Captains for Saturday Canvasses," Williams adds. "If you or someone from your union can assist with this request, I would greatly appreciate it." Email her at mailto:[email protected] [email protected].

The Council will also be hosting a phone bank every Monday and Wednesday through Election Day (Nov. 8). Phone banks will begin on Monday, September 19, at 5p. To participate, please click here.

Labor Quote: Barbara Ehrenreich

"What you don't necessarily realize when you start selling your time by the hour is that what you're really selling is your life."

American author, political activist and "veteran muckraker" Barbara Ehrenreich died on September 1 at the age of 81.Her books included Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America; Bait and Switch, and Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy.


Today's Labor History

This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] A miasma of metals. Last week's show: [link removed] NC Labor History Revealed!

Gastonia, N.C. textile mill striker and songwriter Ella Mae Wiggins, 29, the mother of nine, is killed when local vigilantes, thugs and a sheriff's deputy force the pickup truck in which she is riding off the road and begin shooting - 1929

A striker is shot by a bog owner (and town elected official) during a walkout by some 1,500 cranberry pickers, members of the newly-formed Cape Cod Cranberry Pickers Union Local 1. State police were called, more strikers were shot and 64 were arrested. The strike was lost - 1933

Congress passes the Landrum-Griffin Act. The law expands many of the anti-labor provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act, increasing union reporting requirements and restricting secondary boycotting and picketing - 1959

- David Prosten.


Hiring Hall: DC-area union jobs, plus [link removed] click here for more listings !

[link removed] Administrative Associate to the Executive Office, LCV, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/12/2022) District of Columbia

Interns, UFCW 1994; Local 1994 is hiring interns from their member families for member engagement, political outreach & door-to-door canvassing. John Kilker, [email protected] or 610-322-4069
[link removed] International Affairs Department Internship, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/12/2022) District of Columbia


[link removed] (NVAC) Staff Counsel - General Counsel's Office, AFGE, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/12/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Associate General Counsel - Office of the General Counsel, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/7/2022) District of Columbia


[link removed] Customer Service Representative - Mail Fulfillment, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/8/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/7/2022) District of Columbia (National search)

[link removed] Customer Service Aide - Administration Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/8/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Production Manager, NELP, based in Washington, DC or New York City, NY (Posted: 9/9/2022) District of Columbia, New York

[link removed] Director of People and Organizational Development, SOC, based in Washington, DC (offering hybrid work options) (Posted: 9/9/2022) District of Columbia

[link removed] Program Officer II for Asia, Solidarity Center, based in Washington, DC (hybrid telework/in-person schedule) (Posted: 9/6/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, AFT, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/7/2022) District of Columbia (National search)

[link removed] Manager, Member Organizing, Montgomery County Education Association, [link removed]

[link removed] Organizer, AFT, based in Hampton, VA (Posted: 9/12/2022) Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
[link removed] New Organizer, CIR/SEIU, this position may based anywhere in the United States (Posted: 9/12/2022)

[link removed] Internal Organizing Business Agent (IOBA), SEIU 668, based in Central PA (Posted: 9/7/2022)
[link removed] Organizer, AFT, based in Hampton, VA (Posted: 9/12/2022)


[link removed] Legislative Advocate, NNU, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/7/2022) District of Columbia


[link removed] Research Analyst, Good Jobs First [link removed] Violation Tracker project (9/12)

[link removed] Senior Research Analysts - Strategic Initiatives Department, Economics Team, IBT, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/6/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Research Analysts - Strategic Initiatives Department, Economics Team, IBT, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/6/2022) District of Columbia

[link removed] Research Analysts (Research Unit) - Strategic Initiatives Department, IBT, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/6/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Campaign Researcher, UNITE HERE, may be based in Sacramento, CA; New Haven, CT; Washington, DC; or Seattle, WA (Posted: 9/10/2022)


Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.

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