New Mexico deserves experienced leaders who will honor the will of the people.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

Democracy is on the ballot this November, Jack.

Most important issue

Extremist politicians, some of which were at the January 6th insurrection, have been hard at work trying to strip away the rights of the New Mexican people. The people who claim they want “safer elections” and continue to go on about fraudulent elections are the same people who make voting less accessible, impose more barriers for voting registration, and throw away election results they disagree with.

The people of New Mexico are worried about the future of our democracy, and honestly, so are we. We can not have candidates, like Maggie’s opponent, silence the voices of the people for political gain. New Mexico deserves hard-working leaders to fight to keep our democracy strong. Help Maggie keep our elections transparent, accurate, and accessible by donating $10 right now!

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We can not let these extremists build any more momentum. It is time we show them what democracy really looks like by voting for candidates, like Maggie, who will continue to give power to the people by protecting our democracy.


Team MTO

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