
We shouldn't have to keep talking about the issue of crime.

Every other major news headline for our district SHOULD NOT be reporting another violent crime, but this is the disgusting reality facing us right now!

And do you really want gang members mingling with your kids at the state fair?

Gang fights and a shooting at the state fair are yet another horrific reminder that we cannot take our safety for granted.

We cannot simply assume that whoever is in elected office will truly work to protect our safety.

Even at large and seemingly safe events, your safety could be compromised!

Our police force REQUIRES higher quality training, resources, and support from our communities if we hope for safer neighborhoods.

Stirring up hatred and disunity for our police force cannot continue!

Ilhan Omar's time is up in Congress, because this is the only thing she has brought our community.

I'm Cicely Davis, and I WILL put an end to this lawlessness.

I would be honored to have your support this November! Get out and vote for safer streets! Vote in the general election for Cicely Davis in the 5th Congressional District!


Best regards, 

- Cicely Davis


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