
A TRUSTED CONSERVATIVE with a long record of serving our state and country needs our help to keep up his work in the U.S. House of Representatives!
David Schweikert – a committed public servant who has fought for Arizona in the State House and as County Treasurer before his service in the U.S. House – has a record of public service in our state that dates all the way back to the 1990s.

Throughout his career, David has always stood for a strong economy, protecting our freedom, low taxes, and border security!

As one of our conservative representatives in Washington, he has fought tooth and nail against Sleepy Joe’s reckless job-killing policies, supported President Trump’s Border Wall, and fought for Trump’s historic tax cuts in 2017. That’s why President Donald J. Trump endorsed David for re-election this cycle! Trump knows David will be a torn in the Biden agenda every step of the way. 

Now, he’s running to keep up that strong conservative leadership in AZ-01 – let’s make sure our fired-up, grassroots AZGOP team backs David Schweikert in the fight! →
Helping re-elect our incredible Arizona Republican leaders is a key part of bringing a massive Red Wave this November…

And David Schweikert is one of those great elected Republicans that we need to support – let’s send him back to Washington so he can keep up the fight for our state and country against the Radical Biden Administration!

Will you send in direct support to David’s re-election campaign below? Proceeds will be sent straight to his mission so he can WIN BIG again in a critical Arizona House District!
Thank you for helping re-elect a strong AZ Republican fighter,
Republican Party of Arizona