

I am sick and tired of Fox News peddling lies and vicious attacks against our educators. 


Fox News was recently complaining about a teacher shortage. Yet, they have been peddling lies and attacks on educators for two years straight, and fanning the flames of harassment and mistreatment of our teachers. 


Here are 10 terrible things Fox News has said about educators in the last two years: 


1) Fox’s Greg Gutfield calls the National Education Association the “KKK with summers off.”


2) Tucker Carlson calls for teachers who discuss gender identity to be “arrested” and “beaten up.”


3) Fox’s Mark Levin suggests that teachers are “sexualizing” little babies.


4) Fox’s Sean Duffy claims that teachers work less so they should make less.


5) Fox’s Greg Gutfield claimed that teachers “hate teaching” and “hate their students.”


6) Fox’s Laura Ingraham opposes universal preK because she said that educators would “brainwash toddlers with racist drivel.”


7) Fox’s Greg Gutfield calls teachers, “corrupt, lazy and incompetent.


8) During the pandemic, Fox’s Jesse Waters claimed that teachers unions, have to act scared, they have to act reticent to come back, and that's how they get paid.”


9) Tucker Carlson once again advocates for violence against teachers.


10) Fox News guest Rebecca Friedrichs claims teachers unions are using our schools to sexualize children and train them to be anti-American.


I come from a long line of educators and I know how hard they work. They’re up working at sunrise and grading papers at sunset. They’re not paid enough and oftentimes they have to buy school supplies for their students out of their own pockets.


Add to that the stress of the pandemic and covering staff shortages, and it’s no wonder that 55 percent of educators are thinking about leaving teaching. 


Teachers are doing a public service. They deserve our support and our utmost respect. If elected in November, you can always count on me to fight for our teachers, students and parents alike. 


Education is key to a prosperous future for all, and teachers are the ones who lead the way. So it’s time we start governing like it.

Standing Tall for All,

J.D. Scholten 

If you'd like to send a check to Scholten for Iowa, please mail it to: Scholten for Iowa, P.O. Box 5351, Sioux City, IA 51102.


Paid for by Scholten for Iowa.