Dear Friends,
I am honored to invite you to participate in an upcoming Telephone Town Hall especially focused on veterans' issues on Wednesday, September 7th, at 7:00 PM MT.

We will be joined by a special guest speaker to answer your questions and discuss important topics, Mr. Froylan Garza, Executive Director and CEO of the El Paso VA Health Care System (EPVAHCS).

The focus of this Town Hall will be topics that matter to the men and women of our amazing veteran community. That could be questions about benefits and healthcare, pending legislation (like my Veterans Recruitment Act of 2022) or issues with the economy, crime, border, inflation, and whatever else they would like us to talk about. Please see below for the call-in info!

Telephone Town Hall
Rep. Yvette Herrell and Mr Froylan Garza of El Paso VA Health Care
Wednesday, September 7th
7:00 PM Mountain Time

DIAL IN: 877-229-8493
PIN: 120681

I can't wait to hear from you and to discuss our efforts to help veterans and their families in New Mexico and all across America.
