We are the frontline solution
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John, Act for America needs you!

We will always need you.

But we need you now more than ever.

As the Biden Administration systematically burns down our
country, we must increase our efforts and manpower to fight
their inferno!

That’s why I am asking you to make a generous September
gift right away.

America didn’t earn her independence because of think tanks
or clever technology…

…America won the war for our independence because of
patriots that threw real elbow grease and personal treasure to
the cause of freedom.

Patriots who risked all to secure the dream of freedom for their
families and neighbors, because the cause of freedom is worth
every penny and minute of sacrifice.

Patriots who would rather die then bend the knee to tyrants.
Those brave patriots built our great country –and you can help
restore and make America greater than ever!

Together we can win but we must do more than educate; we
must organize and mobilize a real grassroots force for change.

That’s why I hope you’ll rush us your September donation
and give Act for America the financial resources to do the
real work on the frontlines.

When Act for America fights, we do far more than educate and
talk at the big problems, we ACT and MOBILIZE to solve the

You know my story. Born out of the ashes of 9/11, realizing the
same radicals that destroyed Lebanon were at work against our
country. And now we face destructive radicals within my
adoptive country, the ‘American Dream’ that I call home!

We have a lot of work ahead of us this fall and we must work

Together we can hold these radicals accountable for destroying
our nation and ensure true patriots are representing us.


With your help, we might just have a fighting chance at
turning our country around and keep us heading in the right direction.


Always Devoted,

P.S. I thank you in advance for your generous support.  


ACT for America Education, a 501(c)(3) organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.

869 Lynnhaven Pkwy, 113 #411
Virginia Beach, VA 23452

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