Friends -

I'm reaching out this morning because today is one of those days I need to ask for your financial support.

You may have noticed that this month has been an especially busy one. Between our work to pass the landmark Inflation Reduction Act and my diplomatic travels to South Korea, Taiwan, Cambodia, and the Philippines, I haven't had much spare time to focus on our campaign's modest fundraising goals.

When we have asked, we've asked you to split your $5 contribution so we can help our allies across the country win tough races and continue building our movement.

All great reasons, of course — but the reality is that it effectively cuts our fundraising in half.

That's a big deal, because the goals we set aren't arbitrary. They're what we need to raise so we have the resources necessary to keep our organizing operation running and build support for the issues at the core of our progressive movement.

That's why I need to ask:

Can you please consider making a contribution — of $5 or anything you can afford — to our campaign today? Help us close our fundraising gap before this week's August fundraising deadline.


Thank you in advance for pitching in if you are able to. I would not ask if it was not so important.

In solidarity,

Ed Markey

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
United States

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