Donald Trump still hasn’t accepted his 2020 defeat in Georgia.

John —

It’s Adam Schiff here. Over the last several years, I’ve become deeply familiar with the corruption of the Trump administration and their twice-impeached president.

I have also seen all too many of the Republicans in Congress put their allegiance to Trump above their duty to our country. That’s why I’m asking: Can you chip in to Congressman Bishop’s $10,000 end-of-month goal so he can win re-election and we can keep the House in Democratic hands?

Don’t forget — Donald Trump still hasn’t accepted his 2020 defeat in Georgia, so this is ground zero for fighting his attacks on our electoral system.

Photo of Trump

With Democratic control of the House and Senate, we’ve been able to stop the chaos of the last four years, and work to deliver real results for the American people — and Sanford has been on the frontlines of those fights. 

From lowering prescription drug prices, to major investments in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, to protecting our democracy, to expanding voting rights, Sanford has been there every step of the way. Republicans, on the other hand, were against all of these efforts and fought our progress every step of the way.

Republicans have made it clear that if they are in charge, they will obstruct any attempt to hold members of their party accountable for efforts to overturn the election, or any other conduct incompatible with our oath of office.

And they’ve made it clear that they will do anything, literally anything, in order to protect a twice-impeached, utterly disgraced, one-term president.

It is essential that Congressman Bishop win his reelection campaign in November. His race alone could be the difference between a Democratic or a Republican-held House. And that is the difference between a House that upholds the rule of law, and one that is beholden to the whims of a deeply flawed human being.

John, Congressman Bishop’s end-of-month deadline is quickly approaching. Will you help him reach his $10,000 end-of-month fundraising goal so he can win re-election and we can hold the GOP accountable?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Thank you,

— Adam Schiff

Sanford Bishop for Congress
P.O. Box 909
Columbus, GA 31902
[email protected]
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Paid for by Sanford Bishop for Congress