Join us as we celebrate the opening of Jeff Jackson's new field office!

Hi John,


We're thrilled to announce that our campaign headquarters is opening soon! Jeff would like his supporters to join us next Saturday, 9/3 for an office opening party -- and you're invited!

Next Saturday, Jeff and the campaign team will gather with supporters to celebrate our new home, discuss the state of the race, and head out to knock doors in the district. Things are moving into high gear, and we're working overtime to send Jeff to Washington and defend Democrats' House majority. Please come out to show your support and learn how you can help Jeff win!


RSVP to join us Saturday, 9/3


We'll provide refreshments and offer yard signs for you to take home, and there will be opportunities to volunteer after we're done. This is the perfect chance to hear why Jeff is going to work for us and become part of our grassroots movement ahead of Election Day.


See you there,

— Team Jeff