We are NOT going to let Big Tech determine our elections, John.

In case you missed it, the next Governor of Arizona Kari Lake went on a popular YouTube show last week only to have these tech tyrants take down her segment altogether over their usual, BS “misinformation” excuse. 

Once again, right before an election, the liberal elites who hate us are trying to control the narrative. And we can’t be afraid to come out and call this for what it is…

A planned and strategic attempt to try and censor the peoples’ candidate in the Arizona Governor’s race. 

We told you they have their sights set on taking out our America First fighters here in AZ!!

This is our sign that we need to stand strong and protect our candidates before Big Tech and other forces continue their attempts to stack the playing field against us. Will you support our fighters today now that we KNOW they’re being targeted?! >>
We have the Swamp worried…

They saw our record turnout and enthusiasm in the Primary and are trying to slow our momentum using the same dirty tricks they pulled in 2020.

First it’s Big Tech censorship… Then it’s 2,000 Mules stuffing dropboxes…

At this rate, don’t be surprised if they try to concoct a new COVID Midterm Variant to change the election rules again at the last minute! Oh wait they already did…. “Moneypox.” 

We’re not going to fall for it. And we’re not going to be intimidated by this latest censorship tactic, either.

The Red Wave is coming to AZ in 2022.

Get ready.
Thank you for not backing down,

Kristy Dohnel
Communications Director
Republican Party of Arizona