Colin and his House Democratic colleagues have gotten a lot done recently. From expanding health care for veterans, to passing the biggest investment in tackling the climate crisis in the history of the United States.
Colin Allred for Congress

Hey there, John-

Colin and his House Democratic colleagues have gotten a lot done recently. From expanding health care for Veterans, to passing the biggest investment in tackling the climate crisis in the history of the United States.

We’ve heard all the nay-sayers for months tell us that Democrats are doomed to lose the House in November, but we won’t stop fighting to prove them wrong. There’s been so much good news recently that we wanted to get your opinion on the matter.

So, John, will you let us know how you’d grade Colin and his House colleagues' performance this year?

House Democrats Report Card


Colin and House Dems have passed historic legislation that has been signed into law, and they’ve also passed tons of bills that have yet to make it out of the Senate. Codifying Roe, protecting same-sex marriage, and protecting voting rights have all been critical priorities for House Democrats, but they’ve had to pass those bills with almost no Republican support.

So, John, we’d also like to know how you’d grade the House GOP performance this year. Let us know below!

House Republicans Report Card


Thanks so much for letting us know what you think, John!

– Colin Allred Polling

Paid for by Colin Allred for Congress

Colin Allred for Congress
PO Box 601631
Dallas, TX 75360
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