If we miss our target, it could limit our ability to fight by Elizabeth's side in this year's midterms and beyond.
Warren Democrats

We’re a little behind where we need to be to hit our August grassroots fundraising goal.

If we miss our target, it could limit our ability to fight by Elizabeth's side in this year's midterms and beyond.

Every donation strengthens our movement for bold policies that Elizabeth supports — like student debt cancellation, expanding the Supreme Court, ending the filibuster, and universal child care — and helps protect and expand our Democratic majorities.

Can you chip in $3 or whatever makes sense right now to help re-elect Elizabeth, support Warren Democrats up and down the ballot, and fight for big, structural change?

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:

A donation to Warren Democrats helps re-elect Elizabeth, and supports candidates across the country and up and down the ballot who share our vision for big, structural change.

If we lose just one Senate seat in this year’s midterms, Mitch McConnell becomes majority leader and obstructionist-in-chief again. If we lose just a handful of House seats, Kevin McCarthy will be doing Donald Trump’s bidding from the Speaker’s office. And our progressive agenda will come to a screeching halt.

So let’s make sure we win, and get more Democrats like Elizabeth elected to office to continue to fight righteous fights.

If you’re able to, please make a $3 donation to help hit this August fundraising goal, re-elect Elizabeth, and elect Democrats like her across the country.

Thanks for everything,

Team Warren

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Paid for by Warren Democrats

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