Make sure you’re ready to vote tomorrow between 6 AM - 9 PM and remind 3 friends to vote!



We have just over 24 hours until the polls open for Election Day and New Yorkers head out to choose their next representative!

This is the most important 48 hours of this campaign. All of our hard work, dedication, and momentum comes down to this moment.


That’s why it’s critical that you prepare to vote tomorrow, and spread the word to friends and family! Here’s a quick checklist for the day to help make sure you’re ready: 


  1. Check all of your voting details, including where, when, and what’s on the ballot, by clicking here.  

  2. Then head to the polls any time between 6 AM - 9 PM!

  3. Spread the word to your friends and family in NY-11, and make sure they have a plan to vote today.


JOHN, the people of NY-11 deserve a fighter who will stand up for their rights and champion their needs in Washington, and Brittany has never shied away from putting herself on the line to do what is right and deliver for the people she represents.


We are on the brink of making history together, JOHN, so please, get to the polls today and spread the word!

Thank you so much for all of your support throughout the past two years. We have built a grassroots movement more powerful than we ever could have imagined — and we can’t wait to keep fighting for a better NY-11! 

With Love, 


Team Brittany







Brittany for the People
7504 5th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209
United States