
The Lamestream Media is back at it again... This is what you expect to see when you have a Republican ticket full of America First champions who energize the grassroots base and challenge the SWAMP like never before… 

The Fake News NYT is shaking in their loafers over our Ultra MAGA takeover in AZ - so they just published a hit piece TARGETING our entire state party with the same lies and smears they’ve been trying to knock us down with for years!
They’ve told us again and again, decade after decade, that we need to “tone it down” and stop calling out the SWAMP who hold us back. 

All it’s left us with is spineless weaklings who cave in like rusty lawn chairs at the snap of a Democrat’s finger.

I’m sick of it.

The people are sick of it.

Thankfully, this is the year we change things. 

Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Mark Finchem, and MORE bold, unapologetic America First candidates are waiting in the wings to send a clear message that the fired-up, grassroots conservative base here in Arizona WILL NOT BE SILENCED.

We are going to help them win. We are going to show the entire country that when you STAND with your base – not shun them – great things can happen for your state and country.

Help send that message below. Don’t let this most recent Fake News smear hold us back!
Here’s the REAL truth: Republican unity is unbeatable here in the great state of Arizona.

We will not let the Fake News create false divisions.

They’re worried about just how strong we are when we all stand together. Don’t let them take that away from us.
Thank you for keeping up the support!

Dr. Kelli Ward
Republican Party of Arizona