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Hey john!

We’re at Netroots Nation, the largest annual conference of progressives. Folks from all over are coming together (this year in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania) to talk about issues that will move this country FORWARD!

The Buzzkills are here leading panels on the state of abortion rights around the country, womanning a booth on the convention floor (uterus tattoos anyone?), and ALSO coming at you LIVE with Special Guest Aurea Bolaños Perea of COLOR, to talk about their epic 2020 win for abortion access at the ballot box in Colorado, among other things. 


Speaking of abortion winning at the ballot box, what’s that you say Kansas? You think you should hold a recount of your recent amendment vote? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE! 

Proving that money and this fool will soon be parted, Kansas Coalition for Life chairman Mark Gietzen ponied up more than $200,000 to mount a totally unnecessary and baseless recount. What an amazing use for all that cash!


Kansas Coalition for Life chairman Mark Gietzen with his... family? 


All this plus the good and bad news out of the Carolinas on this week’s FEMINIST BUZZKILLS LIVE!

- Lizz, Marie, and Moji


PS - Want to see what we're up to at Netroots? Register for a virtual attendee ticket and get 15% off at this link!


Feminist Buzzkills Live!

The ONLY weekly podcast talking about ins and out of the current state of abortion access. 

Produced by your friends at Abortion Access Front

“When BS is Poppin’ We Pop Off!"

540 Court St PMB 3012 | Brooklyn, New York 11231 

[email protected]

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