
Tonight might be the end of a grueling Primary Election in Wyoming. But we’re just getting started….

As we await the results of Wyoming’s primary elections I want to take a moment to introduce myself, I’m Marcie Kindred and I am running to be your Senator for Wyoming District 7. By day I’m a real estate agent worrying about housing affordability for my clients. By night I’m chauffeur to four busy boys and their various practices, games and activities. Most weekends you can find me, alongside my husband Bo, working on the home we bought in his childhood neighborhood, the Avenues of Cheyenne. We are part of this community and feel keenly the stress of our neighbors and friends. That's why, as a family, we decided one of the ways to fight for this place we love is to find the time to work together, alongside folks like you, and run for office.

You may already know me from my run for Wyoming House District 8. I am grateful for the hundreds of people that supported that campaign. The end result may not have been what we had hoped, but we were proud to receive more votes for that seat than any other Democrat in that district's history! More importantly, I’m proud of what we built together: a network of folks from all walks of life working together for positive change. I am running for Senate District 7 because that same enthusiasm and commitment to sound policy is exactly what we need now!

We can continue to build on this momentum and–I am excited to tell you–we can win this seat. We’ve looked at the data, run the numbers, and with your help victory is absolutely achievable.

We are committed to a different type of campaign built on shared values and hard work, not mudslinging and blame. But the negative and loudest voices often get the most air time so WE NEED YOUR HELP TO AMPLIFY OUR MESSAGE. Here are some ways to get involved:

  1. Volunteer! We need you! Host a sign in your yard, help us stuff envelopes, knock on doors with us, there are so many ways to get involved. Join us! We’re actually a lot of fun! Sign up here: https://forms.gle/69N4EmitSkXQB7r1A

  2. A strong campaign costs money. During my last run, I was proud to have over 100 individual donors pitch in. We hope to double that number for this Senate run. Wyoming’s maximum campaign contribution is $1500/individual for both the primary and general election. Our average donation is $61. Every dollar will help get us closer to our goal. Go to www.kindredforwyoming.com to use a credit card, or send a check to PO Box 2373 Cheyenne, Wy 82003

  3. Help me be your voice! Call, email, reach out via social media, or send me an old fashioned letter letting me know what issues facing our state matter to you. I look forward to hearing from you.

No matter what happens tonight, this fight isn’t over. No matter where you are in this beautiful square state we call home, we’re in this together. If you’re tired of politics as usual, join us in building something better. For our families. For our communities. For Wyoming.

Visit Marcie’s Website!