AUGUST 15 2022

Dear John,

I'm so glad that August recess brings the opportunity to see so many of you back home in New Mexico, where I've been attending Public Safety roundtables with First Responders, meeting with local charities and schools, and checking in with the concerns and priorities of families in the Second District!
UNFORTUNATELY for American families, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have used the August break to push through a disastrous bill they call the "Inflation Reduction Act." But far from reducing inflation, which has been causing prices to skyrocket and hurting hardworking Americans, this bill would actually make inflation WORSE by increasing deficit spending by hundreds of billions of dollars.

If that wasn't bad enough, Washington Democrats used this bill to hired 87,000 IRS agents to harass and audit taxpayers. The bill breaks Joe Biden's promise to not raise taxes on families making under 400,000 a year--in fact, the bill loads $570 billion in new taxes onto individuals and businesses, including middle class earners! At the same time, it gives away $370 billion in crony capitalist handouts to liberal businesses.

I was proud to vote "NO" on this betrayal of the American people.
But it's not all bad news in Congress. Last week I had the honor of introducing the Veterans Recruitment Act of 2022. America’s veterans have unique talents, perspective, and experience that Washington desperately needs, but too often ignores.

My legislation make it easier for these dedicated men and women to be hired for leadership roles in our diplomatic, defense, and intelligence agencies. I am grateful that the American Legion--our country's biggest veteran organization--has endorsed this legislation! Click the picture below to see a segment by KRQE on my bill!
In local news: earlier this month, after a request from the whole New Mexico Congressional delegation, FEMA granted an extension of New Mexico’s disaster declaration and included flooding impacts as eligible for reimbursement. They also approved direct temporary housing assistance for displaced residents. I'm glad I was able to work across the aisle with my Democrat colleagues on this to help the people of our state!
Speaking of helping New Mexicans, I was honored to be named Ranking Member for the Subcommittee on the Environment on the House Oversight Committee! I'm going to continue working hard to conserve our beautiful lands while making sure that the people who live and work on them are respected and consulted by Washington.
I also recently introduced bi-partisan legislation that expands predator support programs to provide full reimbursement to farmers and ranchers for livestock harmed by endangered Mexican Gray Wolves.

There is a fundamental lack of sustainable long-term incentives for livestock producers to become more tolerant of wolf presence and activity within their shared landscapes. This bill would reimburse ranchers and producers at 100 percent of market value and establish an emergency relief program to support farmers and ranchers with herds that have been adversely affected by Mexican Gray Wolves. Click the headline below for the full story!
During COVID, Telehealth services allowed families continued access to healthcare without being physically present, while allowing many healthcare providers to remain in practice. I am proud to support a permanent extension of telehealth services for Federally Qualified Health Clinics and Rural Health Clinics, so that seniors and those struggling with illness in rural New Mexico know they can always get a doctor's appointment without driving long distances! Check out my floor speech below:
Finally, if I can "toot my own horn" a little bit, this July I was humbled to receive the "Champion of Main Street" award from the National Retail Federation, and the "Defender of Economic Freedom" award from the Club for Growth. If our country is going to come out of this recession fighting strong, we need to support local stores and workers, get government red tape out of the way, and make New Mexico the best place to do business.
Keep in touch!

If you, your family, or friends are interested in more frequent updates on national and New Mexico issues--and maybe the occasional joke to lighten the mood--please consider following me on Twitter and Facebook. I keep regular updates of my day-today activities, new legislation, and breaking news.

If you have any questions, concerns, or issues that our wonderful Second District staff can help with, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Yvette Herrell
Member of Congress