I want to know what’s on your mind, because your voice is front and center in this movement.
Warren Democrats

Now that the Inflation Reduction Act is officially on its way to President Biden’s desk — thanks in large part to you and this grassroots movement — we’re finally going to address pressing issues like climate change, rising healthcare costs, and making wealthy corporations pay a fairer share in taxes.

Is the Inflation Reduction Act everything we need? No. So I’m going to keep fighting to make more progress on these issues and get things like universal child care, paid family leave, and increasing the child tax credit in the next big bill like this.

Which brings me to my next ask for you. I want to know which issues are on your mind right now — and what you want Democrats to keep fighting for in 2022 and beyond. Please fill out this quick survey to let me know — it should only take a couple of minutes, and it will go a long way to shape our work together.

Your voice is front and center in our movement. With each response we get to surveys like this one, my team and I can know what the members of this grassroots movement want Warren Democrats to focus on in this year’s midterms. 

I’m fired up to continue making big, structural change — and I’m grateful to have you in this fight. 

Thanks for being a part of this,


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