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DONATE | SHOP | NEWS | ABOUT US | August 15, 2022

Hidden in plain sight across the San Francisco Bay Area are dozens of live markets - places where animals are sold live, or slaughtered and then sold directly to the customer. Recently, our undercover investigators visited 18 live markets in San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland. While visiting these markets with hidden cameras, they discovered multiple instances of inhumane practices. 

Located among peoples’ homes and neighborhood shopping areas, while children walk past on their way to school, cruelty is happening just feet away inside these live markets. Animals are being kept in crowded tanks and cages, fish are being bludgeoned, turtles are being decapitated, and live animals are being placed into plastic bags prolonging their suffering. 

As National Geographic, which published an article today on our investigation, noted, "the goal of Animal Outlook's investigation is to make sure that existing laws are enforced, but also to raise awareness about the exploitation of animals 'no matter if they are fish, frogs, turtles, cows, or pigs.' Ultimately...'we would like to build a world that is kinder for animals.'"

Will you help expose the suffering of animals in live markets? All donations made up to $50,000 will be matched by a generous donor to help amplify the stories of not only animals at live markets, but also within the entire animal agriculture industry.  

Watch our undercover investigation of Bay Area live markets
Just a few of the horrors our investigators witnessed, which we consider to be animal cruelty violations, include:
  • A fully conscious live turtle having their head chopped off with a butcher knife
  • Fish being bludgeoned before being dismembered
  • Frogs kept in a tub with no water or a small amount of dirty water
  • Softshell turtles in tubs with no water
  • Fish swimming weakly upside down in small, shallow plastic containers
  • Fish attempting to swim in small tanks surrounded by dead and dying animals
  • Fish left to suffocate out of water
  • Fish with visible wounds
  • Animals, once purchased, being put into plastic bags while still alive, prolonging their suffering
Not only is cruelty commonplace in live markets, they are also known to be breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses that cause disease in both animals and humans. At least five outbreaks of avian flu have been linked to live markets in the US, and Covid-19 is thought to have originated in a live market in China. Because live markets put different species of animals in close proximity to each other, and to people, the spread of zoonotic diseases can happen rapidly in facilities like these. 

Live markets are not in rural areas like most animal agriculture businesses, they are located within cities, near apartment buildings and shops. Cruelty is happening at every size and type of animal agriculture facility, from factory farms hidden behind closed doors in remote areas to live markets in plain sight in cities like San Francisco, right under our noses.

Will you act today to double your impact and raise awareness about live markets? 
Left: A pale catfish swimming in a tank
Right: A turtle about to be killed with a knife
We spoke to some of the local residents near these live markets. Most were unaware of what was happening right under their noses, and here’s some of what they had to say:
  • “It looks incredibly inhumane.”
  • “It looks really cruel. It’s torture for the animals if they’re still alive.”
  • “We should be further than that by now. It’s even more uncomfortable to know that it’s happening right around here.”
  • “I think there needs to be much stricter regulations. I think laws need to start changing. That is animal cruelty.”
Our team has also asked the authorities to enforce animal cruelty laws to hold accountable those responsible for inflicting this horrendous cruelty. 

Will you stand by our side as we work with hard-hitting journalists to expose the cruelty animals face in facilities ranging from live markets to large scale animal agriculture farms? All donations made up to $50,000 will be matched, doubling the impact of your support. 
Click here to double impact for live market cruelty victims
You can also stand up for animals by leaving them off your plate. For more information on how to eat a cruelty-free diet and to download our free Vegan Starter Guide, visit

Thank you for your generous support and wonderful kindness. 


With gratitude,

Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
P.S. Do you want your support to go further? Sign up today as a monthly donor and not only will your donation be matched, but you’ll be helping expose cruelty to farmed animals and hold those responsible accountable all year round. Click here to become a monthly donor today. 
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
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