
I’m writing to ask you to make a contribution to my campaign before my end-of-week fundraising deadline. We’re coming up short of our $15,000 goal, so I hope you’ll let me explain why your donation of $3 is so important -- especially right now:

According to POLITICO, our campaign in CA-40 is closing in on incumbent Republican Young Kim. They are now calling our Orange County district one of the few places in the country “where control of Congress will be won."

This near-tossup rating was followed by House Democrats adding us to their competitive ‘Red to Blue’ program. That means CA-40 is designated as a “must-win” for Democrats in order to retain the majority.

We’re gaining momentum, but we’re officially being targeted by a Kevin McCarthy-aligned super PAC. The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) has already committed at least $500,000 for TV attack ads against me.

This is shaping up to be one of the most important races in the country, so we’re not wasting any time preparing for our head-to-head matchup with Young Kim. If you can, please chip in $3 or more today.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for your support,

Dr. Asif Mahmood
