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Dear JOHN,

When Joe Biden took office, he pledged not to raise taxes on hard-working, middle-class Americans.
Biden lied to us.

With the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” Biden and the rest of the progressive Democrats in Washington are raising taxes on you and I, along with every hard-working American struggling to make ends meet.

Worse, Biden is pushing his tax-and-spend agenda at a time when we’re struggling the most. Here in New Hampshire, we’re paying almost double what we were two years ago to fill up our gas tanks and buy food for our families.

Despite Biden’s outright denial, his “leadership” is bringing us into a recession that will crush American families over the years to come.

Can you afford higher taxes at a time like this?

Most of us can’t. That`s why Biden’s approval rating hit an all-time low of only 36%.

But it doesn’t matter what we think. We’re stuck with Joe Biden in office for the next two and a half years.

The ONLY thing that you and I can do to combat Biden’s crushing agenda is to take back Congress this November. If we don’t, Biden will keep raising taxes and spending more taxpayer dollars – eating away at our paychecks at the height of a recession.

That’s why I’m running for Congress, JOHN, and it’s why I’m asking you for your support today.

New Hampshire’s 2 nd Congressional District is one of the top seats we HAVE to take back for Republicans if we’re going to stop Biden from pushing his tax-and-spend agenda even further.

Growing up in Communist China under the regime of Chairman Mao, I’ve seen what happens when the government takes away your money, takes away your liberty, and says that they will take care of you.

It leads to poverty, suffering, and death. I will not let that happen.

I know that Biden’s disastrous policies are making life harder for all of us – but if we don’t stop him now, we won’t be able to stop him later.

Will you consider supporting my campaign with a generous contribution of $10, $25, $50, or even $100 or as much as you are able?
Contribute $10
Contribute $25
Contribute $50
Contribute $100
Contribute any amount

I desperately need your assistance to take back Congress, stop Biden’s disastrous agenda, and save our country from the same fate I saw in China.

I’m ready to fight back, and I hope you are too.

For liberty,

Team Lily

Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend agenda will bankrupt hardworking Americans like you and me at the height of recession. If we don’t stop him now, it will be too late. Will you chip in $10, $25, $50, $100 or even more to help me get to Congress and save this great country while we still can?
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