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First, Joe Biden’s out-of-control Justice Department came for President
Trump.  Then it came for me.  
That’s right.  Less than 24 hours after the FBI raided Mar-A-Lago, three FBI
agents knocked on my door while I was traveling with my family.  They
seized my personal cell phone without even contacting my lawyers.  
I’m outraged and disgusted, but I’m not surprised.  These banana republic
tactics are what we’ve come to expect from the Biden Administration and the radical left - and I’m not going to sit back and take it. Will you stand with me?

You’ve been there for me before, and I need your support now more than
ever.  Freedom loving People need to stand united against Biden’s
overreach.  Can I count on you?
Later this week, Nancy Pelosi and her radical Left minions are on track to
authorize 87,000 new IRS agents - to help persecute more law-abiding Citizens.  If President Biden can send the FBI after me and President Trump - and others - they will send it after anyone.
Our voices are loudest together.  Join us today!
Never Retreat,

Paid for by Patriots for Perry

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