Yesterday was a dark stain on American history where we witnessed the FBI and Department of Justice take completely unprecedented steps to invade the personal residence of a former President. The American people deserve an immediate justification for such a drastic step to be taken. We have been offered no official statements, no press conference, not even a tweet from Merrick Garland's office, and this is absolutely egregious! 

Given the recent history of political bias in these departments and the fact that they are currently under the jurisdiction of the opposition party, such unparalleled steps being taken without clear explanation requires a level of faith that these institutions have, quite frankly, not earned. In fact, the manner in which this occurred only raises more questions about their impartiality. These are the same agencies that publicly announced their investigation Hillary Clinton, but kicked in the door of the former President of the United States?
Regardless of one's feelings toward President Trump, this represents a potentially massive abuse of political power that is alarming on its face and takes our country down a terrifying path that may forever alter our nation. Incidents like this are more reminiscent of authoritarian regimes, where political opposition is persecuted for their stance against the status quo.

Accountability for yesterday's raid must be had! The warrant must be released to the public without delay. If this was an orchestrated political attack, those culpable need to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. As your next Congressman, I refuse to allow our government to become a tool of power for political gain and intimidation. 

I will be praying for our country, and that cooler heads prevail in these trying times. Remember, our country is lost only when we stop fighting for the ideals that make the United States the beacon of freedom and prosperity for the rest of the world!
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