News from Rep. Chip Roy



Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

As I continue to advocate for my constituents in Texas and D.C., I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional district, and our country as a whole:

Wildfire Advisory:

Texas emergency response teams continue to battle the Smoke Rider Fire in Blanco County and the Big Sky Fire in Gillespie County.

Our team is in regular communication with local, county and state emergency response contacts and will continue to send along updates and relevant information and resources. Please continue to pray for those affected and the courageous first responders holding the line in extreme conditions. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our office if we can be of assistance.

Wildfire Resources:

A page with resources for those impacted by the Smoke Rider fire is available here. Request help through this form or by contacting 512-677-9701 and [email protected].

USDA Wildfire and Drought Resources:

The US Department of Agriculture offers several resources available to farmers and ranchers impacted by the recent wildfires and drought in Texas. We encourage you to take advantage of this federal assistance if eligible.

Resources for wildfire and drought recovery and risk management are available here and here, respectively.

Fighting Washington's latest power grab:

On Wednesday, I joined Lisa Boothe on the Dan Bongino show and called the Dems' nonsense tax and spend reconciliation bill what it is - garbage that won't stop inflation but will increase energy prices and empower the IRS to target middle class Americans. We also discussed my new bill to make all federal bureaucrats at-will, fireable employees. 

You can listen to my interview with Lisa Boothe by clicking here and here.

Here are some news stories about what I’ve been up to lately:

Passport Advisory

When making plans to travel over the summer, please remember to check your passport expiry date. The U.S. government recommends renewing passports approximately nine months before they expire, as certain countries require passports to remain valid for up to six months after travel. Instructions for passport renewals can be found here.

Texas Travel Industry Recovery Grant Program

Governor Greg Abbott recently announced the opening of the Texas Travel Industry Recovery Grant Program. This program will provide grants to Texas businesses that have been negatively impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry. For more information, please click here.

Baby Formula Resources

The Department of Health and Human Services has compiled resources for parents struggling amidst the ongoing baby formula shortage:
  • A resource page on where to find formula in your community here.
  • A social media kit in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Haitian Creole here.
  • A public service announcement from the First Lady and U.S. Surgeon General here.
Create your own app!

Rep. Roy is happy to announce that the district-wide Congressional App Challenge is now open to middle school and high school students! This challenge encourages students interested in computer science careers to develop coding skills by creating a unique app. Find out more here.

Interested in being nominated to a military academy?

For students interested in learning more on how to obtain a congressional military academy nomination, please see the information below and visit the website here.

Members of Congress may nominate up to ten military academy applicants for each academy who meet the eligibility requirements detailed on the website. The deadline to submit a packet and compete for nomination to the Kerrville district office is October 15, 2022.

If you have any concerns that my office can help out with, please don’t hesitate to call or email through the “email me” portal on my website. If you feel so inclined, you can also just send an old-fashioned letter to my Washington or district offices. 

If your friends, relatives, or neighbors would also like to sign up for these weekly updates, they can do so by sending my office a quick email or simply by signing up here. For more up-to-the-minute updates, you can follow my press team on Facebook and Twitter.


Chip Roy
Member of Congress

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