Craig Swartz is an Ohio native and former Upper Sandusky City Councilmember running for U.S. Congress for Ohio’s 5th District. Ready to bring Ohio back to a better future, Craig is resolved to unseat Bob Latta and advocate for workers, women, the LGBTQ+ community, students, and everyday Ohioans.
Hi friend,

Jeff here. I’ve got just two minutes to let you know we’ve got 100 days until November 8th. And that means one thing: we need to kick it into gear. 

In the next 100 days, we’ll be on the go every day meeting with voters, listening to your concerns, and working to unseat Bob Latta. We’ve got a little over three months to put an end to the Do-Nothing Latta Dynasty, and we can’t do it without you. 

100 days may seem like a long time so let me put it into perspective for you. 100 days ago it was April 30; time is flying, and we can’t let a moment to get ahead in this campaign pass us by. Chip in right now to help elect Craig Swartz so we’ll have a true advocate in Washington.
With you,

Jeff Sites

Jeff Sites

P.O. Box 332, Sandusky, OH 43351
