State Legislatures are Torching Democracy

It's not every day that you get to sit down and have a conversation about democracy with Jane Mayer of the New Yorker.

It was truly an honor.

Not only because she is one of the most accomplished and well-respected journalists of our time, but because in too many statehouses (like Ohio's) democracy is on life support.

As you know, I've been sounding the alarm for years. So I really was honored to have the opportunity to talk to Jane about the issue, my book Laboratories of Autocracy, and the Blue Ohio project that I've cofounded to help blunt the impact of gerrymandering here in Ohio.

Here's a link to the New Yorker article (, and to the New Yorker's podcast version (

Please read it, and share it with your network!

And one last thing.

You're not alone in wanting to fix the mess that the Ohio GOP made. If there's anything I've learned over the last year, it's that people like you are ready to get to work to save democracy.

That's why I wrote my book, and it's why I founded Blue Ohio.

Our Blue Ohio community crowdfunds support for Ohio's Democratic state legislative nominees to make sure that Democrats running in every corner of the state have resources to fight. Plus, we get together every month to hear from special guests, celebrate our progress, and amplify the great work that's being done all over the state.

If you're looking for a way to fight back against the GOP's extremism – and fight for Ohio's democracy – I hope you'll join today.

Join Blue Ohio Today
Paid for by It Starts Today Blue Ohio

David Pepper

Blue Ohio, a joint project of David Pepper and It Starts Today, 237 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
