
Last night, I was able to host some wonderful Constitutional Conservatives here in North Texas. Joined by Reps Boebert, Jackson, Donalds, and my great friend Dana Loesch, we held an event to stand up for 2nd Amendment Rights!

The Left continues to make it a priority to eliminate the 2nd Amendment and stop our ability to defend ourselves. No matter how many times law-abiding citizens are responsibly using firearms to protect themselves against criminals and home invasions, the radicals in Congress will always want us disarmed. That is why I was so grateful to be joined by my colleagues to reaffirm we won’t give up the fight to protect this important Constitutional right. 
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

We know our rights are God-given and not open to negotiation or the Left’s ambitions. We know what's at stake this November, and while we work to secure our border, support our police, and defend our rights, we need more patriots to sign on and join the fight to protect our American freedoms!

Reps Bobert, Jackson, Donalds, Loesch, and I are counting on you, and while we defend our Second Amendment, can we count on you to pitch in and join the fight?
For American Freedom, 
Beth Van Duyne