
Get me Roger Stone! Roger Stone is a fighter for freedom, who time and time again has taken on the establishment in both parties and WON. He's been around politics long enough to know a winner and that's why I'm thrilled to have earned his endorsement. Click the thumbnail below and see what he has to say about our campaign:

We need to unify right now behind the movement that can WIN! The primary election is on Tuesday and our campaign of CHANGE is on the ballot. Can you help us right now with a contribution of $25, $55, or MORE right now?

Every single cent makes a difference in defeating Ilhan Omar!

Join this movement, embrace a conservative campaign that can WIN in deep-blue CD5. Roger Stone knows the country is ready for change! Do you?

Thankful for your Support,

Cicely Davis

Republican Candidate for CD5

To Defeat Ilhan Omar

Let's Dissolve the Divide!

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