Republican super PAC earmarks over $500,000 for TV attacks against Democrat Dr. Asif Mahmood in Orange County.

Chip in $5 to fight back and flip CA-40 blue >>

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John, here’s the situation:

After redistricting, National Republicans thought far-right extremist Young Kim would be an easy shoo-in in the CA-40 battleground district. Instead, they were forced to come to her rescue with expensive and distasteful ads against a decorated marine vet to ensure her a spot on the November ballot.

Democrat Dr. Asif Mahmood advanced through the primary with the largest vote share of any candidate. Meanwhile, two-thirds of local voters rejected Kim.

Just as Democrats identified CA-40 as a “must win” to protect the House Majority, a Kevin McCarthy-aligned super PAC -- the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) -- committed at least $500,000 for TV attack ads to keep California’s 40th District red.

The good news is our campaign has already launched our outreach program to turn out as many Democrats as possible. We’re also preparing mailers, digital ads, and TV buys of our own to counter these negative attacks, but we need to move quickly:

We need your help amplifying our efforts. Can you send in an urgent $5 to help us fight back against the flood of outside spending coming our way?

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Thanks for your support,

– Team Asif