
Election day is tomorrow, and what an incredible journey this campaign has been! Thousands of doors, calls and texts and so many inspiring conversations along the way.

With your help, we’ve built a broad coalition of support - from education to reproductive rights and from unions to our LD5 community leaders and neighbors.

I am ready to win this and to continue to fight for all of us down at the state capitol.

Let’s make our voices heard tomorrow!

Need to drop off your mail ballot? Or plan to vote in person tomorrow?

>> Find vote centers in the district here <<

Already voted or have a plan to vote? Call 5 or 10 friends in the district tonight and make sure they have a plan to vote too. Every last vote counts.

Thank you for your continued support of my re-election campaign. Together, we’ll continue to fight for the Arizona we deserve.

Your neighbor,

Sarah Liguori
Candidate for Re-election to the State House, LD5

Voting Information

Paid for by Sarah Liguori for State Representative. Approved by Sarah Liguori