Ground Game Texas

We have some ~big~ news we wanted to share with you first, team.

In less than 24 hours Ground Game Texas had FOUR huge wins across Texas that will make a huge difference this November:

👉 #1 – In Killeen, our marijuana decriminalization initiative was put on the ballot
👉 #2 - In Harker Heights, our marijuana decriminalization initiative was put on the ballot
👉 #3 - In Alton, the city voted to raise city wages to a minimum of $15/hr, following our initiative petition 
👉 #4 - In San Marcos, our petition to decriminalize marijuana was certified, and will formally go to the ballot on August 16

Over the next few weeks we’re going to be working hard to register voters and mobilize them to pass these initiatives. And they could make the difference in flipping Texas this November. 

Can you chip in $30 right now to help us register and mobilize voters behind progressive change in Texas? Your contribution helps us keep up this incredible momentum.

>>Help us keep up the momentum<<

Team — across Texas, Ground Game Texas is registering and mobilizing voters like never before. This work is so critical—with these initiatives we can expand and electrify the electorate, and pass important reforms like raising the minimum wage and decriminalizing marijuana. 

We’re so thankful to have you on this team. Your continued support means more doors knocked by our organizers, more voters registered, and more progressive change in the state of Texas. But now comes the hard work – can you help us Get Out The Vote to pass these critical initiatives and flip the state of Texas? Chip in $30 to help us keep up the momentum.

Thank you!

Ground Game Texas