FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                    
July 28, 2022 

Laura Kelly Welcomed Joe Biden's Recession

(TOPEKA, Kan.) – After two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth, the United States has officially entered a recession. Joe Biden inherited a recovery and created a recession. A recession that Governor Laura Kelly welcomed by saying: "bring it on!

"Joe Biden and the Democrats have lowered real wages, raised prices, and have brought the country into an economic recession," said Shannon Pahls, KSGOP Executive Director. "Laura Kelly dared to say "bring it on" to Joe Biden's recession because she thinks the government is doing fine. The reality is Kansas families are being crushed by the Democrats' tax and spend agenda, all while Laura Kelly welcomes the Biden downturn with open arms. Come November, Kansans will fire Laura Kelly and finally get the relief they desperately need." 

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