
While we face higher prices, an open border, and supply chain disasters, Kamala Harris has become conspicuously absent from her job and responsibilities.

After being heralded as some transformative new leader, Kamala has blundered, chuckled, and stammered through one failure after another. We have the worst, most dangerous border crisis we’ve ever seen with Kamala as the “Border Czar”.

And when she isn’t fumbling important issues here at home, Kamala is off on expensive, taxpayer-funded trips around the world. Her presence outside of America only emboldens our enemies and makes our allies question the competence of our nation. 

We deserve so much better!
As a former Mayor of a top 100 American city, small business owner, and now as a conservative, common sense Congresswoman, I know what it takes to lead and deliver accomplishments that improve lies, public safety, and opportunities for our families.  

For all Kamala and Biden are doing to our nation, we must make sure they are sent a clear and resounding message this November. By crushing Democrats across the country, we can start to take our nation back! 
Beth Van Duyne