As a Republican in 2008, I remember debating in favor of gay marriage which was the hot topic of the time. My point, that the government had no business in people's personal choices. I have remained consistent to that point because no matter the issue, we should ALWAYS respect personal choice. 


Last week, the U.S. House passed a bill to codify gay and interracial marriage into law nationwide. It was a direct response to the threat by MAGA Republicans who, in the Supreme Court’s decision overturning of Roe v. Wade, indicated that they wanted to take back those decisions as well. 47 Republicans joined every Democrat in voting yes. But guess who WASN’T one of those 47? You guessed it–OUR representative in Congress right here in Florida’s 15th, Scott Franklin. 


We’ve known for a long time that our communities deserve better representation in Congress. First it was disgraced, corrupt, one-term Congressman Ross Spano, and now it’s Scott Franklin–who apparently doesn’t believe in protecting the right of his constituents to marry who they love.


But here’s the good news: Under the new district lines, Scott Franklin will no longer represent the Florida 15th, so we have an opportunity to elect someone new and exciting to this new open seat. And in my opinion–that person should be Eddie Geller


A Clearwater native, former comedian, activist, video producer, and now candidate–Eddie is the best person to meet this moment. He's smart, genuine, creative, and always willing to lend a hand (literally...this man helped me with ALL of the heavy lifting UP THE STAIRS during my recent move). And he's worked incredibly hard over the last year since he launched his campaign to prove that he has what it takes to tackle the biggest problems our communities and nation face–while spreading a little joy and some jokes along the way. If Democrats want to hold onto the House this year, we need to support candidates like Eddie. 



So check out Eddie's website, his upcoming events, and get to know this great candidate and what he's all about. This guy needs to get to Congress!


Go Team Geller!!!! 
