
Dan Crenshaw here. 

This week, I introduced legislation to fix the problems with the Flores settlement that are fueling the crisis on our southern border. I also called out hypocritical Democrat mayors who have implemented sanctuary cities but are now complaining about illegal immigrants in their cities, and exposed the left’s dual personality disorder on environmental policy.

As always, thank you for your support. Now, here’s your brief:
I’m continuing to propose real solutions to get at the root causes of the illegal immigration crisis on our southern border.

This week, I introduced legislation to fix problems with the Flores settlement.

Here’s the problem: Children are being exploited to take advantage of our immigration system because of the perverse incentives that exist in current law. It’s cruel to our children and it’s fueling the border crisis, and it needs to change. That’s why my bill will modify the Flores settlement, which currently requires family units who cross the border illegally to be released after just 72 hours. That has incentivized migrants to bring kids with them (even if they have no relation to the child) on their trip to the border because they know they will be released shortly after being detained.

My bill would extend the allowed time for detainment to deter migrants from bringing children on the dangerous journey to the border. It would also require DNA testing for any family units crossing the border, and prohibit those who have broken our laws from becoming custodians of these children.

These are the serious, detailed policy solutions we need to turn the tide of this border crisis. But these bills mean nothing if we don’t have a majority in the House next November.

That’s why I’m working tirelessly to take back the House from Nancy Pelosi, so we can finally start passing bills to deal with the many problems created under Democrat control of government, including the border crisis.

If you want to get involved in the fight to take back the House and secure the border, DONATE TO MY CAMPAIGN HERE.
It’s interesting how when Democrats get a taste of their own medicine, suddenly it’s a problem. When illegal immigrants flood across our borders in Texas in record numbers every day, it’s “compassionate” to just let it happen. But when illegal immigrants arrive in Washington, D.C., whose Mayor advocates for and implements sanctuary city policies, it’s suddenly something that needs to be addressed.

Our border is in crisis, and has been since Biden took office. The cost of not securing our border is impacting every part of our country, but especially in border states like Texas who face it directly.

If DC Mayor Bowser thinks a few thousand illegal immigrants are a problem, she should come spend a day in Texas border counties and see what a real crisis looks like.

The multiple personality disorder of the left on environmental and energy policy is astounding. They preach the gospel of solar and wind energy… then turn around and say we need more oil production… then impose crushing regulations to stop the domestic production they’re calling for… then go beg the Saudi’s and other foreign countries to give us their oil… then tell everyone who’s complaining about high gas BECAUSE of their policies to shut up and buy an electric vehicle.

It’s head spinning and would be comical if it wasn’t so bad for the country.

The policy solutions are simple:

  • Open American pipelines
  • Incentivize American energy exploration and production
  • Cancel ALL environmental regulations that have limited American energy dominance

I won’t hold my breath for the left to implement these solutions, even while Americans continue to struggle under their policies.
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Thank you for reading! Have a great weekend.

In Service,
Former Navy SEAL and Congressman
Dan Crenshaw