Hi team,

If you saw the last email from Team Roe then you already know we have some EXCITING things coming soon!!

Summer is in full swing! We have spent the last few weeks connecting with voters about the amazing things Ann will accomplish when she is elected this November. All the supporters we have met so far are FIRED UP about this election – and so are we!

That is why we can't wait to get out these yard signs to our loyal supporters. They are a fun and vibrant way for Team Roe to show their support for Ann!

We want to get yard signs to as many of our loyal supporters as possible but we need to raise money to get them printed. Chip in $5 or any amount you can to help our campaign today so that we can get the resources we need to continue connecting with voters. >>>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately

Team, I want us to get real here – campaigns need money and resources. For us to continue the fantastic work we have been doing, and to get out these yard signs we need you to donate. Your donations will make a massive impact on how we can continue to reach voters this summer before the Primary. Even though Ann is the only Democrat running in our district, turnout is still important. It will show Bryan Steil and the Republicans that Ann is a force to be reckoned with come November.

There is no big secret to what makes this campaign amazing, it's you, our grassroots supporters. You have shown up for us over and over again – and we are counting on you to show up for us once again.

Your donation will make a world of difference. You can help us print out more yard signs so that our supporters can proudly show that this election they have Ann's back!

We can do incredible things, but we need your help to achieve these things and we hope that you can continue to show up for us.

We have to raise enough money to put in this order for yard signs. Please make a donation and help bring Ann Roe yard signs to your neighborhood, and all across the district. >>>

– Sophie Norton
Finance Director