
You already know that false and misleading attacks on Reagan are flying – as we get closer to the primary election, our opponents are growing more desperate. Now, the far-left Democratic incumbent is sending attack mailers to voters, attempting to smear Reagan’s record.

Attack ad

It’s not difficult to understand why – Reagan has all the momentum, and Schrier knows that he’s the only Republican to poll ahead of her in November. Schrier’s worried Reagan will make it through the Primary – and she should be! Reagan poses the biggest threat to her re-election in November, and the biggest obstacle to the continued failed leadership of Nancy Pelosi.

Reagan can flip the 8th in November – he is the only Republican candidate who can win. But we need your help to fight back against these malicious attacks.

Time is limited. Voters are already casting their Primary ballots. For every $250 we raise, we’ll be able to put another campaign ad responding to the attacks on air.

Will you help by contributing $50, $150, or $250 today?

Thank you,


Begin forwarded message:
I was prepared for the lies, false attacks, and malicious attempts to smear my character from the far left. I wasn’t expecting was outright lies and falsehoods from fellow Republican candidates who, in their desperation to win, would resort to inventing lies out of thin air and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to mislead voters.
Reagan Dunn for Congress

Dear ,

I’m writing to you today because of an extremely troubling development in our race for the 8th Congressional District.

When I got into this race, I was prepared for the lies, false attacks, and malicious attempts to smear my character from the far left. What I wasn’t expecting was outright lies and falsehoods from fellow Republican candidates who, in their desperation to win, would resort to inventing lies out of thin air and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to mislead voters.

Unfortunately, candidate Jesse Jensen has done exactly that. He’s spending an enormous amount of money lying about my record. I want to set the record straight and ask for your help spreading the word: Jesse Jensen is lying to voters.

Let’s set the record straight. I’m the only candidate in this race who:

  • Is endorsed by the King County Police Officers Guild, the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs, former King County Sheriff and Congressman Dave Reichert, and Kittitas County Sheriff Clay Myers because I’ve fought – successfully – to increase police funding over the course of my time in the King County Council.
  • Signed a pledge to not raise taxes in Congress.
  • Increased law enforcement funding in our community and fought the far-left's attempts to defund our police.

I’m a fiscal conservative and have the record to prove it – unlike Jensen, who called Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a “fantastic role model” and supports programs that would raise income and payroll taxes for government-run healthcare.

At the end of the day, politics is a full-contact sport, and I’m not bothered by attacks. What bothers me is the openly cynical lies that Jensen is peddling in the hopes of hoodwinking voters. I need your help to set the record straight and combat these deceitful attacks. Can you forward this email to five friends who live in the 8th Congressional District?

Your support is critical to our campaign, and I’m grateful to be running for Congress in such a great state.


Reagan Dunn