Colarusso Calls Clark's Arrest an Embarrassment

Stoneham, MA - Caroline Colarusso, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, criticized Katherine Clark for being arrested today at an abortion rights protest in Washington D.C. Congresswoman Clark and 15 other members of Congress were blocking the street and refused to move when given the standard three warnings by Capitol police.

Speaking of Clark's arrest, Colarusso said, "Clark is supposed to be making laws not breaking them. What sort of disgraceful message will this send to the next generation that our Congresswoman was arrested at a protest? She cares more about advancing her political agenda than representing the people of the 5th Congressional district of Massachusetts.”

Colarusso characterized the protest as a political stunt and the arrest as political theater, nothing more than an attempt to distract voters away from the key issues affecting most Americans today including inflation, rising interest rates and energy costs, border security, and mounting crime.

"Abortion remains legal in Massachusetts despite the recent Supreme Court ruling. Congresswoman Clark knows this, yet sensing Nancy Pelosi is on her way out, Clark takes every opportunity to raise her own national profile. Clark wants to be Speaker of the House, and the truth is, Clark has Massachusetts in the rear-view mirror."

"There is no justification for being arrested. Even in jail, Congresswoman Clark will not escape the reality that she and her colleagues in Congress and in the White House are responsible for the high price of gas and record inflation,” said Colarusso. “However, it will make it easier for her to avoid debates if she is behind bars.”

While Congresswoman Clark was busy ignoring the warnings of Capitol police and getting arrested, Caroline Colarusso was at New World Gas Station on Main Street in Waltham today, registering voters and listening to their concerns about the economy, crime in the streets, and national security. Clark has been in D.C. too long, and she is out of touch with the average voter in Massachusetts. She is not focused on the issues affecting the people of this district. That is why I have challenged Congresswoman Clark to a Town Hall Forum. I am interested in talking and listening to the voters rather than engaging in political posturing.


Paid for by Caroline Colarusso for Congress