We’ve raised the alarm. Now, it’s time to act.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

BREAKING: The New York Times just released an article detailing the far right’s vast movement to overturn our democracy under the guise of ‘election integrity’.

Our elections are under attack. Maggie is up against one of these election deniers who wants to take away our voting options and overturn our elections based on nothing but misinformation.

Do you want Maggie to keep our elections transparent, accurate, and accessible? Then become a donor for democracy by chipping in $20 right now. →


This is exactly what we’ve feared – a planned attack designed to slowly chip away at our democracy and push the law to its brink. This article shows the Otero County Commissioners, led by Cowboys for Trump leader Couy Griffin, tried to block the certification of their election results in order to start a domino effect across the state and country. They admitted their refusal to certify the election wasn’t based on any evidence, and now we know what their plan was.

But Maggie stopped them in their tracks.

If it wasn’t for her, this move in a small county could have cascaded into a series of rogue officials refusing to count votes all over the state and country. The fractures in our democracy are evident - which is why it is so important to stand with our pro-democracy candidates at this moment.

Another important detail in this article is that Couy Griffin, the leader of Cowboys for Trump who illegally attempted to disenfranchise voters in Otero County, said he was “great friends” with Maggie’s opponent – underscoring precisely why this race is so important.

Maggie cannot do this alone. After she stopped the illegal failure to certify an election in Otero, she became a target of election deniers all over the country who want her gone. We must stand with her to ensure our elections are not lost to a conspiracy theorist who openly plans to take away our voting rights. Donate $20 or whatever you can spare right now to help us fight the attacks.

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Maggie remains steadfast in her commitment to New Mexico’s voters, our elections, and the rule of law. We can’t let extremists build any momentum.


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