Sol Sandoval for Congress


Thank you.

Thank you for helping us build a movement across CD-3 — a movement dedicated to lifting up every voice in our community.

I am so proud of the work we did and the issues we fought for. Although we didn’t get the results that we worked so hard towards, I wouldn’t change a thing about the brave, dedicated, passionate campaign we ran.

Although campaigns can be very challenging, I woke up every day driven and motivated by all of you. Your stories and your enthusiasm fueled my passion to run for Congress and to defeat Lauren Boebert, who has let us down all too often.

It was very important to me that we found someone to run against Lauren Boebert who reflected the communities and values that I know and love in CD-3 — someone who personally understood and was experiencing those hardships that so many are in CD-3 like struggling to pay child care, student debt, and not being able to find affordable housing. As a single mom who provides for my two young kids, I kept my “day jobs” throughout the campaign because I didn't have any personal wealth to sustain my family.

I hope that my candidacy inspires other working moms and single parents to run for office because your voice and our voices are crucial to the conversation. And we need more candidates at every level who truly understand what it means to live paycheck to paycheck.

I am more resolved than ever that we must still work hard to defeat Boebert in November. Her extremism is a danger to our nation and she must be retired for good.

And I commit to you that I will still be active in our community, and will continue to fight alongside you to build a better, fairer America for all of us.

We truly could not have done this without you, and for that, I am forever grateful. Gracias.
