New polling and fundraising shows we can unseat Abbott with the right push.

Ground Game Texas

Something big is happening in Texas, team!

In the last week we got news that: 1) Beto O’Rourke only trails Greg Abbott by FIVE points in the latest poll in the race for governor 2) Beto OUTRAISED Abbott for the first time since the start of the race. 

Greg Abbott is in deep trouble. That’s why Ground Game Texas is focused on registering as many voters as possible and mobilizing them ahead of November. But we need your help to unseat Abbott.

Can you chip in $25 to help our organizers register voters and mobilize them behind progressive change? Together we can unseat Greg Abbott and bring change to this state.

>> Help us UNSEAT Greg Abbott <<

Team, every day our organizers meet voters who are sick and tired of Greg Abbott’s failed, corrupt leadership. They’ve seen how he’s helped oil and gas companies line their pockets while our power grid fails. They’ve seen his mismanagement of the Covid crisis, the power crisis, and the Uvalde shooting. 

In November we have a real chance to unseat Abbott and bring progressive change to this state. That’s why we’re focused on registering voters and mobilizing them behind progressive change on marijuana, climate change, and increased wages. Can you help us unseat Abbott? Pitch in $30 today to help us unseat Greg Abbott once and for all. 

Let’s get this done,

Ground Game Texas