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Recruitment of a consultant with expertise in Gender Transformative Approaches

Duration: 10 August – 10 September 2022
Closing Date: 25 July 22

Sonke Gender Justice (SGJ) is a women’s rights organisation that is committed to feminist principles, using a rights-based and gender-transformative approach to achieve human rights and gender justice. Sonke Gender Justice’s mission is to strengthen the capacity of governments, civil society, and citizens to advance gender justice and women’s rights, prevent gender-based violence and reduce the spread of HIV and the impact of AIDS, and in this way contribute to social justice and the elimination of poverty.

Plan International Finland strives for a just world, working together with children, young people, supporters, and partners. They also believe that gender equality is central to achieving long-term change and envision a world that values girls, promotes their rights and ends injustice. 

Plan International Finland has developed a multicomponent approach to SRHR and a set of core values that inform all country level projects included in its new Programme Framework, My Body My Future 2 (MBMF2). MBMF2 is multi-country Programme funded by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 2022-2025. It is a continuation of an earlier SRHR programme (My Body My Future 1) and the impact to be delivered is that children, adolescents and youth in all their diversity have control over their bodies and futures in a healthy, safe and supportive environment. MBMF2 will be implemented in four countries: Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Sonke Gender Justice is looking at supporting Plan International Finland and her partners on identifying specific actions across contexts to best support boys and men in projects to adopt healthy and positive behaviours, new masculinities and to challenge harmful gender norms. The purpose of this project is to:

  1. Strengthen Plan International staff’s capacities in developing more systematic work with boys and men for gender transformative SRHR outcomes,
  2. Roll out programme tools, and creation of reflection spaces for this area of work (e.g., community of practice).


The overall objective of the assignment will be the following: 

  1. The consultant will review all relevant project documentation of about 30 pages per country. This consultancy will focus on the following countries only; Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The consultant will be expected to  prepare a document with recommendations on how the component on transforming masculinities can be improved and further integrated into the respective projects in each of the 4 countries. 
  2. Assess the overall planned intervention vis-a-vis gender transformative approaches and propose key areas where gender transformative approaches can be used to strengthen the project outcomes.
  3. Propose and develop capacity building plans for the gaps identified on GTA in the project documents from Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The capacity building plans should include recommendations for follow up thematic workshops. The capacity building plans should include in-person-meetings to discuss plans and obtain buy-in from the 4 country offices.  


The implementation of this study will be based only on a desk review exercise. The desk review will cover the review of project documents and other national strateies and result in the development of reports, recommendations and capacity building plans based on the most efficient means of integrating transforming masculinities within the respective country projects.

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